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Meet Your Women's Pastor!!!

Name: Denise Hall-Baronian

Current Hometown: Fresno, CA

Birthday: Oct. 29th

Favorite Color: Changes but currently RED!

Status: Married 

Wife, Mother, Grandma and daughter of the King!

Hey, Denise, I have some questions for ya!

  1. If you could be any animal in the world what would you be and why?

    I would choose to be an elephant! Not only are they the largest land animal on the planet and a brain 3 times the size of a human brain, they have features that appeal to me that are much like ours. For example, elephants live in community and care deeply for one another. They are known to cry, laugh, play and support one another. They have thick skin, which is important in a world that can sometimes be cruel; as well as having characteristics that model sensitivity and care toward one another. They are social animals and love to spend time with others; in addition to celebrating when one of the herd returns after a time away. They are also compassionate and show affection by “hugging” while wrapping their trunks together to greet one another. Elephants also mourn for their loved ones that have passed before them; they are amazing, compassionate and loving animals and set an example that we should all emulate!

  2. What are you known for?

    When taking personality assessments, I seem to always score high on the “woo” spectrum. In other words, I love people and love to connect people to one another. I have also been described as a “gatherer;” I will use any chance I can to gather people together, even if it means some of us may have to sit on the floor! I value community, whether it’s family, friends, colleagues, neighbors...or all the above. Doing life together is important to me!

  3. What were you like in High School?

    High School wasn’t necessarily a fun time for me. I spend countless days seeking to discover who I was supposed to be, where I would “fit” in and what God wanted for my life. I referred to myself as a “chameleon” and spent most of my early years changing my “colors” to fit in to the demographic that I thought would accept me. I stayed busy and involved, but it was only in the things that I thought would give me most teenagers, I was wrong!

  4. You’re a new addition to the crayon box; what color would you be and why?

    My color would be “Infrared” ...I’ve always said that instead of wearing “rose-colored glasses” that indicates a denial of anything negative in the world, I would wear “infrared” glasses. This allows you to acknowledge the darkness but gives you the ability to see “light” in the midst of the dark! Of course, we all know that Jesus gives us the infrared glasses that we can approach the world with every day!

Valley Friends Church, 980 Gettysburg Avenue, Clovis, CA, 93612, United States

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